Bianco Cararra C Canalgrande

Bianco Cararra C Canalgrande
quarry of origin


Carrara, Italy
Petrografic name (according EN 12407): Marble
Macroscopic description: A fine-grained, compact lithotype, pearly white verging on light grey in colour with dark grey micrometric- to millimetric-sized veins with a mainly subparallel orientation. Millimetric, subrounded patches are also present and some rare surface pores can be observed.
Technical data provides a frame of reference only. As stone is a product of nature, up to date testing to determine specific physical qualities should be repeated for each major project. We decline any responsability for the mis-use of this data, since said data is sourced from the quarry.
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Physical mechanical characteristics
EN 13755-08 Water absorption at atmospheric pressure % 0,8 0,01
EN 1936-07 Apparent Density KG/m3 2710 4,1
EN 1936-07 Open porosity % 0,2 0,04
EN 12372-07 Flexural strength
  (in natural conditions) MPa 17,3 1,8
  (EN 12371-03 exposed to 48 frost cycles MPa 14 1,3
EN 1926-07 Uniaxial compressive strength MPa 101,6 13,9
EN 14231-04 Slip resistance (honed finishing)
  (dry) USRV 56 1,8
  (wet) USRV 32 1,8
Block and slab characteristics
Average size of blocks: 3,00 x 1,70 x 1,70m. Slabs are prefarably cut against the grain or perpendicular to the grain, i.e. the hard way and the easy way.

Cutting of blocksCutting of blocks   Surface lavorationSurface lavoration
Microscopic description according to EN 12407 e EN 12460
An isotropic metamorphic lithotype (that is anisotropic where the veins occur) composed of subeuhedral/euhedral calcitic granules with straight/sutured grain boundaries that are interlobed in places. The grain size is seriate from 60 to 700 µm, in contrast with areas of an average size of 200 µm and areas of an average size of 650 µm. There is also rare straight layering, composed of calcitic blasts varying in size between 60 and 150 µm, opaque minerals (pyrite and micrometric magnetite) and iso-oriented acicular muscovite following the orientation of the veins. The same mineral phases may be spread throughout the crystalloblastic mosaic with trace amounts of quartz.